Thursday, May 24, 2007

Earth to Alisha?

The sleep deprivation, heart palpitations from the excessive amounts of coffee, the stress and the inability to find the right words to formulate a well-rounded thesis is killing every ounce of hope of every making it out of this semester without hurting someone or myself.

The non-stop research, the typing of the keyboard and the overused phrases like "According to..." and "In X's essay..." is keeping me from knowing what else that has been going on with everyone else. Being stuck in the library while I marinate in my thoughts is causing mild insanity and neuroticism.

Don't mind me - I'm sleep, hungry, aggrivated and stressed.

While I was leaving campus and feeling bad for my sorry ass, I looked over and saw a little girl with her mom flying a kite. The little girl was sprinting as the mom was encouraging her and saying, "Go, go, go!" Eventually the two managed to get the kite in the air and both cheered in unison. Then all of a sudden, I felt a whole lot better.

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